Live PreviewWeb and mobile platform enabling customers to try on sun glasses using only their smartphones or laptops.
Next-gen augmented reality operating system focusing on easy distribution in the cloud, bringing backwards compatibility with existing workflows, enabling persistent shared reality and leveraging unikernels to deliver only what each user requires.
CyberSecurity Analytics Platform
Big data web platform that performs indexing on terabytes of data stored in several formats from various sources; aggregates them into a full text search engine, and allows analysts to get accurate sub 1 second full text search results through a flexible syntax.
Web and mobile platform enabling users to broadcast custom audio or video recordings to radio or TV stations in time slots defined by each station.
Live PreviewMobile platform allowing users to train more effectively through proprietary exercise routines and by tracking progress, body mass index and various other statistics.
Mobile platform enabling taxi companies to offer their services to end users; and end users to order a ride easily through their smartphones.
The Millwork
Improved the performance and flow of an existing Golang backend by switching from PhantomJS to Headless Chrome; and by developing a custom library for extracting JSON data from their proprietary format.
Proof of concepts & prototypes
Aided clients on delivering platforms to their customers by building several proof of concepts and prototypes that included data analytics, cybersecurity mockups and functional apps, reverse engineered components, all with a focus on clean and beautiful UI/UX.
Mobile CEF
Built a Windows application using the Chromium Embedded Framework to enable their solutions to be deployed on tablets while offering optimum performance and great user experience.
Increased the company’s exposure by making their website mobile friendly, as well as built 3 separate Android applications that became part of their core business.
Personal website built on top of VuePress to offer fast loading times, easy customization, git-based content delivery and easy content management through tools such as forestry .
Live PreviewOpen-source Windows application that enables users to easily put their screen to sleep.
Wireless VR System
Uses an Oculus Go with a custom built light emitter mounted on it alongside 4 PlayStation Eye Cameras and Move Controllers to enable wireless VR usage.
Live PreviewGolang library enabling extraction of values from a JSON using JS-like syntax.
Chrome Side Tabs
Enables users to easily navigate through a lot of browser tabs by displaying them vertically through a Chrome extension.
Radio Gaia Player
Enables the Gaia radio station to be used on smartphones through an Android application.
3D Reconstruction
Uses the Point Cloud Library alongside a Kinect to recreate 3d models, clean them and post-process them into a format later used in 3d printing.
Garden Care
Uses a Texas Instruments LaunchPad to create a hardware solution which uses sensor data from the soil, weather and lighting conditions to control water electrovalves.
[//]: # (TODO:
- Add Other small projects
- Add YouTube bot projects
- Add Chromium Automation projects
- Add some scraped projects )